Kristine Moth Bohol Otot Otot 4ML Girl Nips Droplet Bantayan Church

Upcoming Workshops

  • Thursday, March 10, 2011
  • E.D. Altares
  • Labels: ,
  • Schedule of Courses
    MAY 2011

    Introduction to Digital Photography
    This is a basic photography course that's truly basic. This is a course that will help you make sense of the the functions and settings of your camera. This will give you the confidence of shooting outside the program or auto modes and incorporate more of your creativity in your images.

    It is a light course with enough activities to support the concepts being introduced. The first day is mostly a mix of lecture and hands-on application of the topics. The second day is part portraiture photo shoot and part discussion and evaluation of the outputs of the participants.

    May 7-8, 2011 - Introduction to Digital Photography (GenSan City)
    Venue : Amandari Cove, Mabuhay Road
    Registration Fee : P2,500

    May 14-15, 2011 - Portraiture Weekend : Photoshoot + Photoshop (GenSan City)
    Venue : Amandari Cove, Mabuhay Road
    Registraiton fee : P2, 800.00

    May 28-29, 2011 -Introduction to Digital Photography (GenSan City)
    Venue : Del Rio Water Splash Resort
    Registration Fee : P2,500

    June 4&5, 2011 - Introduction to Digital Photography - DAVAO CITY
    Venue : To be announce at a later date
    Registration Fee :

    PORTRAITURE WEEKEND : Photoshoot + Photoshop
    This course focuses on creating impressive portraiture images. The session will open with a review on the basics of image capturing -- the exposure triangle, white balance setting, etc. This will be followed by a discussion on basics on use of light -- both artificial and natural -- and the fundamentals of setting up your subject for a portrait shoot. This will also tackle the guidelines on portraiture and the basics on posing.

    Morning discussions will be followed by a photo shoot session with model. Output of the shoot will be used for the next part which will be on post processing.

    The second day will be an Introduction to Post Processing of portrait photos. Different post processing softwares will be introduced with emphasis on the use of Photoshop CS (at least CS3). Post processing topics will include, among others, color adjustment and enhancement, sharpening, use of layers, exposure adjustment, white balance correction, cropping and retouching to remove unwanted hair strands and blemishes. The session will close with an evaluation and discussion of the participants outputs.

    May 14-15, 2011 - Portraiture Weekend : Photoshoot + Photoshop - GENSAN
    Venue : Amandari Cove, Mabuhay Road
    Registraiton fee : P3, 500.00 (Previous participants to other courses to pay only P 2,800.00)

    Payment Details :
    Pay through any BPI Branch
    Account Name : Erwin D Altares
    Account Number : 3029 0374 84
    Account Type : Savings

    For other inquiries.

    Text or call ED Altares.
    CP 0920 908 5332
    Or Email at

    or Marx Talacan
    CP 0920 506 9300

    Previous Participants' Comments

    Previous participants made the following comments about this workshop :

    I really appreciate your down-to-earth seminar approach. What would otherwise be too technical were explained in simple and no-frills language." - Atty Noy Rojas

    "The Exposure Triangle. Aperture, ISO, Shutter speed were presented in a NOT-INTIMIDATING manner. We were given examples and tips but just enough for starters....
    All in all it was a very refreshing experience and I'm glad I attended the workshop." - Ms. Junette Hortado

    "E.D. Altares Photography rocks!" - Jay Mariano

    Basic Photography Workshop QC

  • Tuesday, March 8, 2011
  • E.D. Altares
  • Labels: , , , , ,

  • Basic Photography Workshop QC
    March 26 & 27, 2011
    2nd Floor PHESCO Building
    Quezon Avenue, Quezon City

    Day 1 8am to 5pm
    Introduction to Photography
    Photography Terminologies
    Camera and Accessories
    Basic Camera Settings and Functions
    Exposure Control : The Light Triangle
    (ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed)
    Aperture and Depth of Field
    Slow Shutter and Low Light Photography
    Introduction to Composition

    Workshop on Still Life Photography
    (Concepts Application)

    Homework :
    Low light and Still Life photos

    Day 2
    AM 8 am to 12 pm
    Basic Protraiture with Model Shoot
    Outdoor (Location :TBA)

    PM 2pm to 6 pm
    Critique and Open Forum
    Mini competition with prizes
    > Still Life
    > Portraiture
    > Slow Shutter

    Fee : Php 2,500.00 | LIMITED SLOTS

    DSLR Required

    50% for slot reservation
    50% 3 days before the Workshop
    Early Birds : Less 200.00 Paying in full on or before March 18, 2011

    Pay through any BPI Branch
    Account Name : Erwin D Altares
    Account Number : 3029 0374 84
    Account Type : Savings

    Please text me as soon as you have made any deposit.

    For inquiries.

    Text or call ED Altares.
    CP 0920 908 5332
    Or Email at

    1. For reservation, 50% downpayment is required.
    2. The D/P is non-refundable within 5 days prior to date of workshop.
    3. Registration must be paid in full, 3 days before the date of workshop, otherwise slot will be given to the wait listed participants.

    Registration Fee includes:
    1. Workshop Fee
    2. Instruction Material
    3. 4 Sets of Snacks
    4. Printing of photos for critique session
    5 .Certificate of Attendance

    Basic Photography Workshop 2

  • E.D. Altares

  • Workshop on Basic Photography
    March 5 & 6, 2011
    Amandari Cove,
    General Santos City

    The workshop turned out a huge success. I am so happy and grateful for everyone who attended - participants, models, visitors and co-organizers.

    This workshop was participated by 24 in
    dividuals with various backgrounds and of different age levels. We have so
    me students in the group, some are businessmen and entrepreneurs. There are also a some civil servants and
    privately hired professionals. This group also has a lawyer who's getting into photography as a means of relaxing himself from the burdens of everyday tasks. Amazingly, many of the participants in this workshop got only their DSLR with in the past 60 days.

    Following the same format I had in the first workshop, me and my co-organizer, Edmar Talacan, made it a point that we are able to close the gaps that we had previously. We added 2 more models in the workshop from the original 3 so as to give participants more opportunity to
    practice on portraiture. We also prepared more
    materials for still life photography session
    which was really enjoyed by the participants.

    We had two challenges for this workshop. The first one was that there's also another workshop on basic photography that was held on the same date organized by GenSan Camera Club. I do not know what twist of fate had happened that our schedules fell on the same date. Me and my partner had earlier worries that we will have lesser participants on this workshop since our registration fee is higher that that of the other. I should thank the participants of the prior workshop for really backing us up here and helping us promote this event. With 24 participants coming, this told me
    that I did a descent job on the prior workshop and that my partner and friends are helpi
    ng me promote this one.

    The other challenge that we encountered was the power outage during the second day. I would like to express my deepest gratitude yet again to the management of Amandari Cove for making our stay as comfortable as possible -- with or without electricity.

    The participants to this workshop are Adelfa Santillan Arca; Amerah Polog Mamongcara; Anwar Salvador; Arnel Labao; Remigio P Rojas; Bryan Garcia; Glory Del Cadano; Cherry Faith V Aboro; Cheryl F. Torralba; Cleng Monuz; Danielle Franco; Gerome Patrick Odango; Joanna Genoviva Lorenzo; Johanne Lu; Jose Gabriel Francisco; Joseph B Arguelles; Jostin Vega; Raul F Miramon Jr; Karen Aimee Payunan; Laarni M. Asa; Faustino Anos; Randy Cabangbang; Reynaldo M. Farrofo Jr; Samer Paporo.

    Thanks to all the participants, to our models -- Ms Caroline Lim, Ms Hanyline Nono, Ms Christine Taporoc, Ms Frances Gonzales and Mr Genel Labiana, our HMUA - Fele Pareno, to Mr Darvin Cajuaro for the visit, to Mr. Ricky Almanzor and all his staff at Amandari Cove, to my project partner -- Marx Talacan -- and to The Great and Majestic God in the heavens.