Kristine Moth Bohol Otot Otot 4ML Girl Nips Droplet Bantayan Church

Basic Photography Workshop 2

  • Tuesday, March 8, 2011
  • E.D. Altares

  • Workshop on Basic Photography
    March 5 & 6, 2011
    Amandari Cove,
    General Santos City

    The workshop turned out a huge success. I am so happy and grateful for everyone who attended - participants, models, visitors and co-organizers.

    This workshop was participated by 24 in
    dividuals with various backgrounds and of different age levels. We have so
    me students in the group, some are businessmen and entrepreneurs. There are also a some civil servants and
    privately hired professionals. This group also has a lawyer who's getting into photography as a means of relaxing himself from the burdens of everyday tasks. Amazingly, many of the participants in this workshop got only their DSLR with in the past 60 days.

    Following the same format I had in the first workshop, me and my co-organizer, Edmar Talacan, made it a point that we are able to close the gaps that we had previously. We added 2 more models in the workshop from the original 3 so as to give participants more opportunity to
    practice on portraiture. We also prepared more
    materials for still life photography session
    which was really enjoyed by the participants.

    We had two challenges for this workshop. The first one was that there's also another workshop on basic photography that was held on the same date organized by GenSan Camera Club. I do not know what twist of fate had happened that our schedules fell on the same date. Me and my partner had earlier worries that we will have lesser participants on this workshop since our registration fee is higher that that of the other. I should thank the participants of the prior workshop for really backing us up here and helping us promote this event. With 24 participants coming, this told me
    that I did a descent job on the prior workshop and that my partner and friends are helpi
    ng me promote this one.

    The other challenge that we encountered was the power outage during the second day. I would like to express my deepest gratitude yet again to the management of Amandari Cove for making our stay as comfortable as possible -- with or without electricity.

    The participants to this workshop are Adelfa Santillan Arca; Amerah Polog Mamongcara; Anwar Salvador; Arnel Labao; Remigio P Rojas; Bryan Garcia; Glory Del Cadano; Cherry Faith V Aboro; Cheryl F. Torralba; Cleng Monuz; Danielle Franco; Gerome Patrick Odango; Joanna Genoviva Lorenzo; Johanne Lu; Jose Gabriel Francisco; Joseph B Arguelles; Jostin Vega; Raul F Miramon Jr; Karen Aimee Payunan; Laarni M. Asa; Faustino Anos; Randy Cabangbang; Reynaldo M. Farrofo Jr; Samer Paporo.

    Thanks to all the participants, to our models -- Ms Caroline Lim, Ms Hanyline Nono, Ms Christine Taporoc, Ms Frances Gonzales and Mr Genel Labiana, our HMUA - Fele Pareno, to Mr Darvin Cajuaro for the visit, to Mr. Ricky Almanzor and all his staff at Amandari Cove, to my project partner -- Marx Talacan -- and to The Great and Majestic God in the heavens.


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